Asher Mesod Bendayan Bris

Isaac and Ruth Bendayan proudly hosted a Bris Milah for their first son,

Asher Mesod Bendayan

Asher Mesod Bendayan


The day of the Bris was fresh, sunny and cold. A great day for a Bris!

We started Davening at a Shul in Montreal at 6:45 A.M.

For your viewing enjoyment you can watch full screen by putting your mouse near the bottom of the video and click where you see the full screen icon.
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The Davening Continues …..


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The end of Shachris Davening

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Now starts the Bris of Asher Mesod….


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Noemie, carries her new Grandson down from the Bris Ceremony


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Immediately following the Bris of Asher Mesod, there was a Mazel Tov celebration with song. Everyone was euphoric and filled with joy and Isaac was on another planet because of his joy of having his first son, and naming his son after his beloved father. It was a sight to see and thank the good lord, I was able to be a guest.

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Following the Bris of Asher Mesod, Ruth and Isaac put on a breakfast. Well, this was no regular breakfast, it was a SIMCHA! It was really wonderful, everyone had a wonderful time and it was a pleasure to be in their company.

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