Ok, so they are not ‘kids’ anymore. But I will tell you what, they are still my babies 
I am lucky. I have 3 children, Shlomo Eliyahu, Fruma Leah and Yoel Nosson. My wife Naomi has 4 children, Ruthy, Esther, Jimmy and Shlomo.
Shlomo, my eldest son now has 3 of his own.
Pictured above is my daughter Fruma Leah Tzipora, my Grand Daughter Mindy, my eldest son Shlomo Eliyahu and my mother, Yehudis Razel.
Since Yoel Nosson lives in Yerushalyim, I could not get him in the shot above.
Yoel is the baby of the Baron Family. He is a genuine and good person. We attended Yoel’s wedding in Yerushaliyim in 2011.